Dear Customers!Prior to making an order for the purchase of the Goods offered on our website, we suggest you read carefully the following text of the Agreement and the information about the Goods, and if you do not agree with any paragraph of the Agreement, you should refuse to purchase the Goods or use the Services, provided by the Seller.
When making an order for the purchase of the Goods on our website, you agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement:AGREEMENT ON SALE OF GOODS BY REMOTE METHOD BY SAMPLES
This offer governs the legal relations of the parties when selling goods remotely exclusively outside the Russian Federation in transactions with non-residents of the Russian Federation.
1. General Provisions
1.1. «Pavlovo Posad Shawl manufactory Co», Public Corporation (OGRN 1025004643070, INN 5035012944, registered and actual address: 5 Kalyaev st., Pavlovsky Posad, Moscow Region, Russian Federation, 142500), hereinafter referred to as the Seller, shall publish this Agreement on Sale of the Branded products, manufactured by «Pavlovo Posad Shawl Manufactory Co», hereinafter referred to as the Goods, by Remote Means by the Samples, presented on the English-language part of the official website
1.2. According to Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (CC of the RF), this Agreement shall be a public offer, and in case of accepting the terms and conditions, set forth below, the individual or legal entity accepting (taking) this offer (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) shall pay for the Goods in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. According to paragraph 3 of Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the payment for the Goods by the Buyer shall be an acceptance of the offer, which shall be deemed equivalent to the conclusion of the Agreement under the terms and conditions, set forth in the offer.
1.3. This Agreement shall be the Seller’s official document and an integral part of the offer. The current version of the Agreement shall be available on the Internet site
1.4. The service life of the Goods with proper care and use shall be at least 12 (twelve) months from the date of its receipt by the Buyer. Information about the terms and conditions for the correct and safe use of the Goods is posted on the Internet site and shall be provided to the Buyer at the same time with the Goods. Symbols of signs for care of the Goods shall be also indicated on the labels, affixed to the Goods.
1.5. The warranty period for the whole Goods shall be 30 (thirty) days from the date of its receipt by the Buyer The Seller’s warranty obligations shall not apply to the occurrence of defects in the Goods caused by one of the following actions:
— as a result of using the Goods for the purpose that does not correspond to the generally accepted sphere of its application;
— if chemical reagents get inside the Goods or on its surface;
— as a result of rough mechanical impact on the Goods or its accelerated natural wear and tear;
— as a result of an accident or force majeure circumstances.
1.6. All information materials on the website shall be a reference nature and cannot fully transfer the information about certain properties and characteristics of the Goods.
2. Subject Matter of the Agreement
2.1. The Seller shall sell the Goods in accordance with the current price list, published on the website, and the Buyer shall pay for the Goods and accept the Goods in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
The Seller shall deliver the Goods to the Buyer by sending it by post or courier to the address, specified by the Buyer in the Purchase Order for the Goods (hereinafter referred to as - the Order).
2.2. The date of execution of the Purchase Order for the Goods shall be the date of concluding this Agreement between the Seller and the Buyer.
3. Order Execution Procedure
3.1. The Order shall be executed by the Buyer by filling-in all the positions in the Form, posted on the website
3.2. Upon receipt of the Order from the Buyer, the Seller shall verify the availability of the ordered items available in the warehouse.
In case if there are no separate ordered items of the Goods, the Seller shall select the ordered Goods for delivery to the Buyer for the goods items available in the warehouse.
3.3. When executing the Order, the Buyer shall be obliged to provide the reliable information about him/her/it and shall be liable for the accuracy of this information.
3.4. The Seller shall not be liable for the content and reliability of the information, provided by the Buyer i the execution of the Order.
3.5. The Order shall be deemed transferred by the Buyer and accepted by the Seller, provided that the Buyer has filled in all the positions in the forms, specified in paragraph 3.1 hereof.
4. Order Execution Terms and Conditions
4.1. The Seller shall execute the Order within the minimum possible period of time, which depends on the availability of the ordered items of the Goods in the Seller’s warehouse and the time necessary for the Seller to process the Order and deliver it.
4.2. The period of time during which the Seller shall be obliged to transfer the ordered Goods for the subsequent delivery to the Buyer shall be from one to ten working days.
4.3. The ordered Goods shall be deemed delivered at the moment of their actual transfer to the Buyer.
4.4. In case of providing the Buyer with unreliable information about his contact information, the Seller shall not be responsible for improper execution of the Order.
5. Terms of Payment for the Ordered Goods and their Price
5.1. The buyer can pay for the Ordered Goods in one of the following ways:
a) by means of the bank transfer to the Seller's bank account based on the Invoice issued by the Seller;
b) on the basis of the Invoice, received from the Seller, by bank cards through the Cloudpayment system (now is not available yet).
5.2. The price for each item of the Goods is indicated on the website The prices for the Goods are given in the common European currency - EUR.
Discounts on goods. By the one-time purchase of goods in the amount from 150 euros, the one-time 2% discount is granted. By the one-time purchase of goods in the amount from 300 euros, the one-time 5% discount is granted. This discount does not apply to products participating in monthly promotions, but applies to products for sale.
5.3. The Seller may change the prices for any items of the Goods unilaterally without prior notice to the Buyer, and in this case the prices for the Goods, the Order for which the Buyer has sent to the Seller before the date of the price changes, shall remain.
5.4 For the orders before 150 Euros for the countries of the European Community the Seller supplies the goods on the conditions DDP (the town/place of the Buyer) in accordance with Incoterms 2020. The cost of delivery includes customs taxes and duties in the country of the Buyer (VAT) and customs services in the amount of 15$ per order.
For all the other countries (non-members of European Community) the Seller supplies the goods on the conditions CPT (the town/place of the Buyer) in accordance with Incoterms 2020. The cost of delivery does not include customs taxes and duties in the country of the Buyer (VAT), if any.
6. Dispute Settlement Procedure and the Buyer’s Claims
6.1. All disputes and claims of the Buyer related to the execution of the Goods Order shall be resolved with each Buyer individually.
7. Rights, Obligations and Liability of the Parties
7.1. The right of ownership to the Goods, as well as the risk of their accidental loss or damage, shall be transferred to the Buyer upon receipt of the Goods.
7.2. The Seller shall not be liable for the improper use of the Goods by the Buyer.
7.3. The Seller shall have the right to transfer its rights and obligations for the delivery of the Goods to third parties.
7.4. In all other respects, not provided for by this Agreement, the Parties shall be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
Information about the Goods and Manufacturer
The branded products, presented to your attention, manufactured by «Pavlovo Posad Shawl Manufactory Co» OJSC (OGRN 1025004643070, Manufacturer’s address: 5 Kalyayeva St., Pavlovsky Posad, Moscow Region, Russian Federation, 142500), hereinafter referred to as the Products.
All products are made of natural fabrics (wool, cotton, silk, linen) under strict technical regulations - Technical Specifications (TU 8157-001-42229076-07 — wool; TU 8157-002-42229076-05 — cotton; TU 8157-003-42229076-07 — silk; TU 8157-001-42229076-09 — linen) and meet the standards and requirements of the Russian Federation, ensuring the security for the life and health of the buyer and environment.
Main consumer properties of the products:
— shawls, shawls, mufflers, stoles and scarves are accessories for wearing on the neck, head or shoulders;
— tablecloths designed to cover (covering) flat surfaces, tables and similar items of furniture and interior.
Rules and Conditions for the Effective and Safe Use of the Products:
— Not to tighten tight around the neck;
— Not to use near to an open flame or other source of heat radiation;
— Not to wear in wet weather (with rain or sleet);
— Not to contact with chemical reagents;
— Not to eat;
— To comply with the following rules for the care of the products.
Rules for the care of products (from the right care depends on the appearance, life of the goods and your mood):
1) products of pure wool (including woolen neck scarfs):

2) products of natural silk:

3) silk neck scarfs with woolen lining:

4) cotton products:

5) linen products:

Symbol marking and their decoding on care is given in accordance with the standards of the Russian Federation (GOST R ISO 3758—99 and GOST 16958-71):