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Woolen kerchiefs 89x89 cm

All our woolen products go through a unique operation of plasma-chemical treatment, which provides bright colors.
Plasma-chemical treatment gives wool fibers durability, low crushing, provides tissue no pilling.

Evening over the VohnaEvening over the Vohna36.00 €
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Design 1946-17
Availability: enough
SouvenirSouvenir36.00 €
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Design 1659-14
Availability: enough
SaffronSaffron36.00 €
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Design 1155-7
Availability: enough
TsyganochkaTsyganochka33.50 €
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Design 1579-2
Availability: enough
Spring DawnsSpring Dawns33.50 €
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Design 1706-9
Availability: enough
Tender affectionTender affection33.50 €
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Design 1687-2
Availability: enough
Easter motiveEaster motive32.00 €
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Design 1931-9
Availability: a lot
WinterWinter32.00 €
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Design 586-5
Availability: a lot
Easter motiveEaster motive32.00 €
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Design 1931-0
Availability: a lot