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Gift box largeGift box large11.40 €
already in the cart
Design 362
Availability: a lot
Gift Box SmallGift Box Small9.00 €
already in the cart
Design 1281
Availability: a lot
Gift box mediumGift box medium9.90 €
already in the cart
Design 605
Availability: a lot
SouvenirSouvenir41.60 €
already in the cart
Design 1659-1
Availability: enough
Autumn TuneAutumn Tune24.50 €
already in the cart
Design 10293-3
Availability: enough
Summer notesSummer notes19.60 €
already in the cart
Design 1285-13
Availability: enough
101721017249.20 €
already in the cart
Design 10172-2
Availability: enough
Olga LabzinaOlga Labzina68.50 €
already in the cart
Design 1008-14
Availability: enough
101721017249.20 €
already in the cart
Design 10172-13
Availability: enough
101721017249.20 €
already in the cart
Design 10172-9
Availability: enough
Autumn TuneAutumn Tune24.50 €
already in the cart
Design 10293-13
Availability: enough
Autumn TuneAutumn Tune24.50 €
already in the cart
Design 10293-15
Availability: enough
101821018224.50 €
already in the cart
Design 10182-3
Availability: enough
RococoRococo68.50 €
already in the cart
Design 1316-5
Availability: enough
105361053653.30 €
already in the cart
Design 10536-13
Availability: enough
105361053653.30 €
already in the cart
Design 10536-5
Availability: enough
Olga LabzinaOlga Labzina68.50 €
already in the cart
Design 1008-5
Availability: enough
Solemn DaySolemn Day83.20 €
already in the cart
Design 2052-1
Availability: enough
lace flamelace flame68.50 €
already in the cart
Design 2099-3
Availability: enough
HolidaysHolidays34.30 €
already in the cart
Design 2078-62
Availability: enough
CraneCrane68.50 €
already in the cart
Design 527-14
Availability: enough
102391023953.30 €
already in the cart
Design 10239-5
Availability: enough
AmuletAmulet41.60 €
already in the cart
Design 1638-13
Availability: enough
CraneCrane68.50 €
already in the cart
Design 527-5
Availability: enough
GemsGems19.60 €
already in the cart
Design 1391-5
Availability: enough
RosemaryRosemary41.60 €
already in the cart
Design 1850-5
Availability: enough
summer notessummer notes19.60 €
already in the cart
Design 1285-2
Availability: enough
Warding CharmWarding Charm41.60 €
already in the cart
Design 1638-3
Availability: enough
Autumn kaleidoscopeAutumn kaleidoscope41.60 €
already in the cart
Design 2067-2
Availability: enough
105361053653.30 €
already in the cart
Design 10536-14
Availability: enough
104831048339.50 €
already in the cart
Design 10483-18
Availability: enough
Spring Rain SongSpring Rain Song41.60 €
already in the cart
Design 1926-2
Availability: enough
Olga LabzinaOlga Labzina68.50 €
already in the cart
Design 1008-13
Availability: enough
107891078939.50 €
already in the cart
Design 10789-18
Availability: enough
Leopards 3Leopards 341.60 €
already in the cart
Design 2118-0
Availability: little
105451054556.40 €
already in the cart
Design 10545-2
Availability: little
Waking DreamsWaking Dreams41.60 €
already in the cart
Design 2062-5
Availability: little
101821018224.50 €
already in the cart
Design 10182-2
Availability: little
Russian goldRussian gold41.60 €
already in the cart
Design 529-13
Availability: little
Russian goldRussian gold41.60 €
already in the cart
Design 529-4
Availability: little
106421064239.50 €
already in the cart
Design 10642-18
Availability: little
Leopards 3Leopards 341.60 €
already in the cart
Design 2118-1а
Availability: little
Autumn TuneAutumn Tune24.50 €
already in the cart
Design 10293-5
Availability: little
107891078939.50 €
already in the cart
Design 10789-16
Availability: very little
106771067753.30 €
already in the cart
Design 10677-13
Availability: very little
105451054556.40 €
already in the cart
Design 10545-13
Availability: very little
Splashes of ChampagneSplashes of Champagne27.20 €
already in the cart
Design 639-19
Availability: very little
105451054556.40 €
already in the cart
Design 10545-5
Availability: very little